Corn Plant Care

Et korn plante, også kjent som Dracaena, er ypperlig for dyrking både i innendørs og utendørs. Tilhører Agave familien og representeres som Dracaena fragrans, er det en av de tropiske plantearter populært dyrkes som potteplanter for sin attraktive bladverket. Stammen er oppreist, brunlig i farge og bjørn lyse grønne, lansettformede blader på den øverste delen. Kornet anlegget form minner om en korn stilk, derav navnet. Du kan finne korn planter fra gulaktige bandet til stede i bladverket, som går langs lengden av bladet.
Forstå grunnleggende nødvendigheter av voksende en korn plante, før du unne faktiske mais planting. Even though the detailed growing requirements of corn plants vary according to species, one thing common to all varieties is that they grow best in low light intensity. Hence, corn plants are ideal houseplants, which you can place in the room corners and hallways. They grow to a maximum height of about 20 feet. Let's take a look at the basic corn plant care tips, which will help you in maintaining attractive corn plants.
How to Care for a Corn Plant?
Frankly speaking, corn plants require little care and maintenance. Hence, even if you have a hectic schedule and have less time for nurturing them, you can grow healthy corn plants. An important note is that all types of corn plants are poisonous, thus requiring you to keep these plants away from children and pets, whichever applicable. Refer to the following useful tips for indoor corn plant care:
Ideal Pot: The roots of corn plants are shallow and borne very close to the cane. They can be grown in small pots in the initial growth stages. However, when the plants height increase, you need to repot them in larger size containers, so that the weight of the top portion is balanced properly with the bottom portion. A corn plant having a height of 9 feet can be grown in a 16 inch pot. Know more on container gardening.
Potting Soil: After pot selection, the next step in corn planting is preparing potting media. Your aim is to make well drained, fertile and loose soil. Consider mixing garden soil with peat moss to get the required soil texture and fertility. In case of poor quality soil mixture, supplement it with a liquid fertilizer in correct concentrations, as prescribed in the product label.
Lighting: As mentioned already, corn plants need low light. You can place them in areas that receive filtered sunlight for better growth. As far as temperature is concerned, it requires warm condition. When exposed to very cold conditions, leaf dropping is observed. As they are native to tropical climates, the optimal temperature range is close to the native habitats, about 20 - 25 degrees Celsius.
Watering: Moderate watering is sufficient for maintaining healthy corn plants. You can consider irrigating them once in 7 - 10 days or whenever the top soil is dry. Watering should be done to such an extent that the upper soil layer (about 1 inch) is moistened. Overwatering corn plants will cause yellow coloration of the foliage. Hence, if you notice such a condition, reduce watering frequency.
Propagation: Propagation of corn plant is mostly done by stem cuttings, preferably in spring season. When your plants are matured enough, you can cut the stems with a sharp blade. Then, prepare potting mixture and insert the twigs in the soil. Most probably the new stem cuttings will root within 2 - 3 weeks. If you have an idea about plant propagation by leaf cuttings, you can practice the same for producing new corn plants. Know more on propagating plants from cuttings.
Disease and Pest Problems: One of the advantages with corn planting is that these plants are highly resistant to pest and diseases. Hence, if you provide the ideal growing conditions, your corn plants will grow healthily with signs of infestations. At times, when they are exposed to stress conditions, spider mites and bugs. In such incidences, spray the affected parts with a dilute solution of regular dishwashing soap and water.
Follow the above corn plant care tips along with regular misting and cleaning of the foliage. If necessary, you can think of corn plants pruning to manage their height. When matured, your corn plants may bear scented, yellow colored flowers in panicle inflorescence.